
3 Steps to Building Organizational Adaptability and Resilience During the Pandemic

In working with more than 6,300 organizations in a wide variety of industries across 20 years, Cornerstone has partnered with countless clients that are navigating organizational change. Weve found that during troublesome times there are three constants that emerge time and time again: First, while crises are difficult and traumatizing, they can also bring out the best in people. Over the course of the past year, weve all witnessed extraordinary acts of compassion, creativity, and selflessness. Second, and on a practical note, organizations who are (or learn to be!) agile, flexible, and innovative during disruption have a better chance of surviving this and any other crisis. Third, organizations that keep an eye on the future while still effectively managing the crisis at hand come out stronger and more successful than those who only plan for immediate needs. And that, in a nutshell, is the purpose of this eBook: To help you and your organization not only navigate todays challenges but to plan for the future by continuing to motivate, engage, and inspire your employees and stakeholders. Within this eBook, youll find practical actions to take today to navigate the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to provide stability for your employees. Just as importantly, these steps will also ensure youre ready to survive and thrive in whatever may come.

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Soziale Isolation: Macht Corona die Menschen einsam?


Soziale Isolation: Macht Corona die Menschen einsam?

Corona, Quarantäne, geschlossene Kindergärten und Schulen. Wer es gut hat, kann in diesen Tagen wenigstens zu Hause im Home Office arbeiten. Die Beschäftigung ist eine gute Alternative zum Gang auf die Straße, der angesichts von Sicherheitsabstand und Versammlungsverbot nur wenig Freude bringt. Doch Home Office bedeutet für viele, dass sie allein zu Hause sind. Was macht diese Form der permanenten sozialen Isolationen mit uns? Wie kann man damit im Berufsalltag umgehen?

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