
ICYMI: Can HR Really Measure Company Culture

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest in HR. To make sure you're updated, we're recapping our most popular stories every month in our "In Case You Missed It" series. Keep reading for June's top stories!

Can HR Really Measure Company Culture?

A company's culture can have a significant impact on everything—from hiring the best talent to decreasing employee turnover—but culture is also a concept that can prove hard to measure or control. Fortunately, new HR services and technologies are emerging to offer ways to do just that.

How Big Data is Closing the Information Gap on Salary

Traditionally, employers have been on one end of the job search, with endless information about their prospects, and hopeful job seekers have been on the other, with limited knowledge of the companies, cultures and careers they're pursuing. But today, that norm is shifting.

You Have a Bad Review on Glassdoor. Now What?

Today sites like Glassdoor and Ferrygodboss allow candidates to read all about what current and former employees think about a company in just a few clicks. How should you react if an employee writes a bad review about your company?

Can You Get Away Without an HR Department?

Human resources professionals manage your company's most important asset: your people. But investing in one HR employee—let alone an entire department—can seem out of reach for many small businesses. The consequence?

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Nitto Denko Corporation: Wie man Schulungsumgebung und Lernförderung mit exzellenter UX/ Nutzerintegration global vereinheitlicht


Nitto Denko Corporation: Wie man Schulungsumgebung und Lernförderung mit exzellenter UX/ Nutzerintegration global vereinheitlicht

Nitto Denko leistet als Hersteller von High Performance-Materialien Pionierarbeit bei der Entwicklung neuer Anwendungen, Produkte und der Nachfrage in verschiedenen Bereichen,. Nitto Denko erweitert seine Märkte weltweit und erzielt ein kontinuierliches Wachstum. Das Unternehmen betrachtet seine Mitarbeitenden als wertvollste Ressource. Deshalb fokussiert es auf die Personalentwicklung und unterstützt die Mitarbeitenden bei Herausforderungen am Arbeitsplatz und beim Learning.

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