
ICYMI: Good Managers Know When to Fire People

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to stay on top of every HR insight and trend. That’s why we started "In Case You Missed It," a series focused on bringing you the highlights of the month. Keep reading for November's most-read stories!

Don't Be Afraid to Say, 'You're Fired'

Firing someone is never an easy thing to do (and shouldn't be), but it's an important skill set to have if you want to maintain a positive and productive workplace. Here, Suzanne Lucas offers advice for when — and why — firing someone is the right choice, and how to do it with compassion.

Infographic: What Drives Employee Happiness?

Happy employees are better employees, but are modern perks such as free lunch and unlimited vacation the secret to satisfaction on the job? Our latest infographic dives into the most influential factors behind employee happiness.

Why Your Job Descriptions Should Tell a Story

Just as a great resume speaks directly to a hiring manager's needs and shares a unique story, a great job posting should speak to the needs of your ideal candidate and offer a narrative for his or her "character." Lynda Spiegel walks through how to tell a story with your job posts.

The Difference Between Changing and Transforming

When a caterpillar enters its cocoon, is it becoming a better caterpillar or a new insect entirely? There is a difference between changing something and transforming something altogether, and understanding the distinction allows you to utilize each process appropriately to achieve your required outcome.

Photo: Creative Commons

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10 Erfolgstipps für Ihr One-to-One Meeting


10 Erfolgstipps für Ihr One-to-One Meeting

Die besten Teams erleben regelmäßig etwas, das sie sinnvoll weiterbringt und beflügelt: gute Gespräche mit ihren Führungskräften. Andere Teams nehmen widerwillig Platz im stundenlangen Horrorkabinett schlecht vorbereiteter Gespräche ohne Fokus und ohne Spaß. Es geht aber auch anders – wenn die Führungskräfte den Gesprächen bewusst einen echten Nutzen verleihen. Wie das funktioniert? Eigentlich ist es ganz einfach – bereiten Sie das Einzelgespräch mit Mitarbeiter:innen so gut vor wie ein wichtiges Kundengespräch: klare Agenda, aktives Zuhören, ein Austausch auf Augenhöhe, echtes Interesse, gemeinsame Ziele.

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