
Office Hours: The Challenges of AI at Work

Cornerstone Editors

All forms of automation pose a risk to the work environments they're supposed to make more efficient. Take, for example, the case of auto manufacturing where robots work closely with humans, lifting heavy machinery. Though the machinery poses no danger to the robots, they must take care not to harm the humans working around them. Artificial intelligence (AI), for its complexity, is one form whose ill-effects are especially hard to manage, and nowhere is this more evident than in the office environment, where AI may give "signals that we don't know how to use correctly."

That's according to Josh Bersin, principal and founder of Bersin by Deloitte. In this video, Bersin explains some likely pitfalls and challenges of using AI in the workplace.

Some of these challenges include how a manager should respond to the prediction of an AI system and the potential for AI to have bias programmed into its algorithm. On this second issue, Bersin says you should first acknowledge that AI is "filled with bias." Then you can take measures to address it, including demanding transparency from your organization's AI systems.

Photo: Creative Commons

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