
Webinar: What Government Leaders Need to Know About Succession Planning

Cornerstone Editors

Government agencies today face several talent management hurdles — budget cuts mean fewer resources to tackle a growing number of demands, and federal employee satisfaction has declined for the fourth consecutive year. These challenges are compounded by the looming departure of an entire generation of government employees as Baby Boomers prepare to retire. For government HR leaders, it's never been more important to have an effective succession planning strategy in place.

But retaining talent in government is often just as difficult as recruiting new talent. Gen Xers typically lack the training needed to fill leadership roles left vacant by retirees, and Gen Y employees are likely to move on to new career paths before they have an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to their current company.

To help HR leaders address the hurdles of succession planning, Bersin by Deloitte conducted research to outline several strategies for advancing qualified candidates from Generation X and Y into key leadership roles.

Join our upcoming webinar, Succession Management in the Government: What Federal, State, and Local Agencies Need to Know, on Thursday, May 21, to hear a panel of HR experts discuss the latest research and share effective succession planning strategies.

Panel members will explore key insights from Bersin by Deloitte's latest report, including the new Succession Management Maturity model, and provide examples of how other agencies have optimized succession management in the past. They will also discuss what steps government leaders can take to improve existing succession management strategies, and how this can result in better performing teams across organizations.

Registration is now open for the free webinar featuring Stacia Sherman Garr, VP at Bersin by Deloitte; Miranda Ashby, Senior Director at Cornerstone OnDemand; James Trujillo, Sr. Manager of HR at Port of Portland; and Verron M. Brade, Director of the Office of HCM at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Sign up today!

Photo: Creative Commons

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10 Erfolgstipps für Ihr One-to-One Meeting

Die besten Teams erleben regelmäßig etwas, das sie sinnvoll weiterbringt und beflügelt: gute Gespräche mit ihren Führungskräften. Andere Teams nehmen widerwillig Platz im stundenlangen Horrorkabinett schlecht vorbereiteter Gespräche ohne Fokus und ohne Spaß. Es geht aber auch anders – wenn die Führungskräfte den Gesprächen bewusst einen echten Nutzen verleihen. Wie das funktioniert? Eigentlich ist es ganz einfach – bereiten Sie das Einzelgespräch mit Mitarbeiter:innen so gut vor wie ein wichtiges Kundengespräch: klare Agenda, aktives Zuhören, ein Austausch auf Augenhöhe, echtes Interesse, gemeinsame Ziele.

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