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Bookmarked: Get to Know Jacob Morgan, Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Futurist

Jacob Morgan

Author, speaker and futurist

Editor's Note: This post is part of our "Bookmarked" series, where we ask some of our favorite HR experts, analysts and business professionals to answer questions about their career, life and aspirations for the future. Be sure to bookmark it for next month!

Best-selling author, keynote speaker and futurist Jacob Morgan is well aware of the massive technological changes sweeping the HR industry, from the rise of remote communication to the growth of automation. But Morgan, whose most recent book is called The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization, is more interested in people, not technology.

Passionate about chess, self-awareness and family, Morgan isn’t your typical by-the-books, number-crunching futurist. He’s intuitive, inquisitive and empathetic about helping people thrive in this tech-driven world of work. Get to know more about him in his Bookmarked questionnaire below!

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El departamento de IT, el aliado perfecto para su analítica de RR.HH.

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El departamento de IT, el aliado perfecto para su analítica de RR.HH.

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