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Cartoon Coffee Break: The New Remote Work Skill Sets

Terry LaBan

Cartoonist and Illustrator

Editor's Note: This post is part of our "Cartoon Coffee Break" series. While we take talent management seriously, we also know it's important to have a good laugh. Check back regularly for a new ReWork cartoon.

A recent report from the Cornerstone People Research Lab, titled "A License to Skill: Embracing the Reskilling Revolution," found that while employers feel optimistic about their ability to keep up with the rapidly changing skills economy, employees are uncertain. This feeling existed even before the COVID-19 pandemic struck: Employees feel as though the world of work is changing so quickly that they will not be able to learn or develop new skills fast enough to keep up.

But over the course of the pandemic, we’ve seen employees quickly develop all kinds of new skills—or adapt current skills to accommodate their current work conditions. From learning how to share work spaces with your family or partner to learning new technologies that support virtual work, there’s been a lot to adapt to and learn.

For instance, some employees are using low-code technologies for the first time, while others are new to collaborative messaging platforms, like Slack or Microsoft Teams, and video conferencing tools, like Zoom and WebEx. And everyone has had to brush up on their soft skills, like empathy and collaboration, as we learn to engage with one another not only virtually, but also through an unprecedented global crisis.

The transition to fully remote work has been relatively uncomplicated for some, and extremely hard for others. But no matter employees’ age, experience or existing skills sets, this crisis has forced everyone to learn to adapt. And as a result, organizations and their employees are better positioned to handle disruption and continue learning new, relevant skills well into the future.

Want to learn more about the skills your employees need to handle the current crisis and future ones? Download the "A License to Skill: Embracing the Reskilling Revolution" report from Cornerstone People Research Lab here.

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