Webinar on-demand

Betting on HR to empower pandemic recovery

No one can deny that during the height of the pandemic, human resources leaders around the world stepped up and guided organizations through unheralded events. From the acquisition of PPE to working parents’ challenges, local HR teams showed up en masse. They helped organizations survive and thrive during one of the most challenging times in modern human history.

Now, the question is, how will human resources teams enable and empower the workforce to return to normal?

HR will help the world re-open for business, and that work begins now.

In this session you'll learn how to:

  • Help employees step into the mode of self-leadership to own their career journeys and be an active participant in skill-building and personal/professional development
  • Create cultures of learning and agility to help the organization recover and move forward
  • Enable workers to lean into a company's innovation agenda by taking more risks

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Cornerstone Performance

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Cornerstone Performance

Sia che tu esegua valutazioni delle performance solo una volta all'anno sia che tu adotti un processo di gestione delle prestazioni solido e continuativo, con Cornerstone Performance puoi stabilire obiettivi, formare i dipendenti, ricevere feedback, orientare lo sviluppo e attribuire riconoscimenti. Collega fluidamente le performance e i dati sulle competenze alle opportunità di apprendimento interne per favorire una crescita autonoma dei collaboratori con il supporto dei manager. In fondo, la crescita e i traguardi che il tuo personale può raggiungere grazie a Cornerstone Performance sono il migliore investimento che tu possa fare per lo sviluppo e i risultati della tua azienda.

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