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Bookmarked: Get to Know Margie Mader-Clark, Vice President of People at Gladly, Inc.

Margie Mader-Clark

Vice President, People Stuff at Gladly

Margie Mader-Clark is the vice president of People at Gladly, Inc., an organization delivering a customer service software platform that helps companies connect service agents with customers across all available channels. Glady aims to remove the tedious back-and-forth typically associated with calling customer service centers.

For the past 20 years, Mader-Clark has served as a people operations executive at a myriad of companies with additional experience as an executive coach and advisor. She’s passionate about creating people-centered cultures in the workplace, but when she’s off the job, how does she keep it all together? And what keeps her motivated?

Mader-Clark answers these questions, discusses her greatest career fear and shares how she keeps learning on a day-to-day basis.

Get to know her in our Q&A below.

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