
Developing a healthcare workforce to outperform in the skills economy

Faced with a changing competitive landscape marked by M&A activity, increasingly empowered consumers, and the ever-present need to comply with regulations, executives within the healthcare industry are updating their hiring, training and development strategies to keep pace. Creating environments with ample skill-building and learning opportunities, as well as identifying the right talent to meet current challenges are front-of-mind for HR executives in the healthcare industry. What are some of the ways that they are doing this? In order to find out, WBR Insights and Cornerstone have partnered to research how HR strategies in the healthcare industry are evolving to meet the demands of today and beyond. After surveying 119 executives in healthcare HR, a picture of an industry in flux has emerged. Read on to review our research findings, alongside insights contributed by your industry peers.Faced with a changing competitive landscape marked by M&A activity, increasingly empowered consumers, and the ever-present need to comply with regulations, executives within the healthcare industry are updating their hiring, training and development strategies to keep pace. Creating environments with ample skill-building and learning opportunities, as well as identifying the right talent to meet current challenges are front-of-mind for HR executives in the healthcare industry. What are some of the ways that they are doing this? In order to find out, WBR Insights and Cornerstone have partnered to research how HR strategies in the healthcare industry are evolving to meet the demands of today and beyond. After surveying 119 executives in healthcare HR, a picture of an industry in flux has emerged. Read on to review our research findings, alongside insights contributed by your industry peers.

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Sfruttare le competenze come futura valuta del capitale umano

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Sfruttare le competenze come futura valuta del capitale umano

Mentre navighiamo tra le complessità e le incertezze del XXI secolo, le organizzazioni si stanno rendendo conto di una profonda verità: il successo duraturo non si ottiene semplicemente con l'acquisizione di talenti di alto livello, ma coltivando e sviluppando le competenze uniche già presenti nella loro forza lavoro. Benvenuti nell'era dell'ontologia delle competenze, un cambio di paradigma che ridefinisce il modo in cui percepiamo e investiamo nel capitale umano.

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