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The Future Of Corporate Learning: Internal Blogging

Cornerstone Editors

How can a global organization with locations around the world collaborate and share employee knowledge across the company? According to Bill Cushard, Training Lead at ServiceRocket, his company's CEO leverages employee knowledge through internal blogging, which has built bridges between their five global locations. "At my company we have an internal tool that enables all employees to write blog posts and share them with anyone in the company," writes Cushard. "Our CEO blogs regularly and actively encourages others to blog regularly." Cushard explains that he uses internal blogging for two reasons,"First, as a means of sharing what I am working on. Second, to seek help on projects," and believes that this system is such a powerful force for employee development, it should be used for all corporate learning programs.

Here are a few ways internal blogging can better your workforce:

Capitalize on Knowledge and Expertise: "Sharing information with others is a way of learning, and sharing information with others, especially in written form, helps people build up expertise on the subject," explains Cushard. "Blogging internally in your company is a great way to clarify your knowledge and expertise in a way that helps you understand it better."

Discover New Expertise: Cushard leveraged his company's blogging program to reach out to developers in his company's Australian and Malaysian offices for help with special projects. Prior to the blogging program, he had not been in contact with these team members and would never have known about their specific expertise.

Searchable Archive of Employee Knowledge: "For those who do not want to blog, they now have access to a searchable archive of the expertise shared in blogs," says Cushard. "Any employee who has a question can search the blog archive for an answer."

Do you have an internal blogging program or knowledge management system at your company? What has worked best for you?

Read more at the Human Capitalist

Photo credit: Can Stock

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