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How Han Solo Can Help Your Business: Intergalactic Leadership Lessons

Cornerstone Editors

The ideal company runs like a well-oiled machine. Business owners know that even the largest and most successful companies are only as strong as their weakest team. In order for even the most talented team to successfully meet deadlines, produce quality work and thrive in their field, they need a great leader at the helm.

What makes a great leader? A great leader is a great communicator and a great motivator. A great leader is someone who is organized but can create new strategies and methodologies when necessary. Most of all, a great leader knows the strengths and weaknesses of the team and can utilize them both to the advantage of the company.

For the best lessons in leadership, one must simply look to the stars. The space captains of modern pop culture are the very embodiment of what it means to be a great leader. Although these leaders are fictional, the examples they set are ones that even the most successful leaders can learn a thing or two from. This infographic showcases 9 of the greatest intergalactic leaders and a real world lesson that can be learned from them.

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10 modi per valorizzare i colloqui individuali

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10 modi per valorizzare i colloqui individuali

Uno dei presupposti fondamentali per essere un leader efficace è organizzare colloqui individuali periodici con lo staff. Tuttavia, spesso ai dipendenti questi incontri sembrano solo una tortura priva di pianificazione e di obiettivi specifici. In questi casi, i responsabili devono riconoscere che il valore di tali interazioni va oltre la mera formalità. Affinché i colloqui individuali siano fruttuosi, i leader devono prepararsi in anticipo, stabilire in modo chiaro i punti da discutere e ascoltare attivamente le preoccupazioni e il feedback dei dipendenti.

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