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ICYMI July: How Education Can Close the Gender Pay Gap for Good

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest HR trends and stories. To make sure you're updated, we're recapping our most popular articles every month in our "In Case You Missed It" series. Keep reading for July's top stories!

Making the Unconscious Conscious: How Education Can Close the Gender Pay Gap for Good

Learning and development are tantamount to career growth and employee retention, but they are also important parts of the solution in lessening the gender pay gap and getting us closer to sustainable equality.

Alexa, Find Me a Skilled Candidate

From candidate sourcing to vetting to hiring, it's likely voice will play a major role in helping HR teams draw valuable insights from the personnel data they have access to and take action.

5 Lessons to Teach Recent Grads to Set Them Up for Success

With college graduation season behind us, chances are you've hired a few recent graduates. Here are five lessons you'll want to teach them to set them up for success, starting on day one.

Take It From a Futurist: The Automated Future Is Coming—It's Time to Adapt or Risk Falling Behind

Futurist, author and software entrepreneur Martin Ford walks us through the future workplace driven by automation and shares how HR teams can set employees up for success.

Header photo: Creative Commons

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10 modi per valorizzare i colloqui individuali

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10 modi per valorizzare i colloqui individuali

Uno dei presupposti fondamentali per essere un leader efficace è organizzare colloqui individuali periodici con lo staff. Tuttavia, spesso ai dipendenti questi incontri sembrano solo una tortura priva di pianificazione e di obiettivi specifici. In questi casi, i responsabili devono riconoscere che il valore di tali interazioni va oltre la mera formalità. Affinché i colloqui individuali siano fruttuosi, i leader devono prepararsi in anticipo, stabilire in modo chiaro i punti da discutere e ascoltare attivamente le preoccupazioni e il feedback dei dipendenti.

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