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Office Hours: How to Manage Your Career With Growth in Mind

Cornerstone Editors

This post is part of our biweekly "Office Hours" video series, featuring quick career, workplace and leadership tips from talent management experts and business leaders across the globe.

When it comes to choosing a company to work for, millennials aren't just in it for the money, the people or the office culture—they care about professional development as well. According to 2016 Gallup research, 59 percent of millennials consider opportunities for growth in a job "extremely important."

At Wendy's, Coley O'Brien has noticed this first-hand. The VP of HR and field capability at the griddled goods chain says his younger co-workers make career choices more intentionally than he ever did, thinking more about long-term goals than immediate desires when making decisions.

In this video, O'Brien explains why, if given the opportunity to return to his early 20s, he would adopt a more career-driven approach to decision-making and put his faith in the promise of delayed satisfaction.

In hindsight, he says, he was too focused on a company's reputation, the quality of daily work and the character of his coworkers when picking his jobs—nice-to-haves that don't necessarily translate into long term success.

Photo: Creative Commons

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