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Office Hours: What's the Best Way to Effectively Manage Remote Teams?

Cornerstone Editors

This post is part of our biweekly "Office Hours" video series, featuring quick career, workplace and leadership tips from talent management experts and business leaders across the globe.

Working remotely is often more flexible and less stressful than working in an office, so it's no wonder that the practice is on the rise—more employees want it, and more companies are offering it. But this trend is not without its pitfalls. How does a manager overcome them?

As Cornerstone's COO Kirsten Helvey puts it, managing the people in front of you is hard enough. When they're scattered across the world, you need a clear strategy.

In this video, Helvey draws from her extensive experience managing global teams to offer four actionable tips for building a cohesive and productive team of remote workers.

Photo: Creative Commons

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