
Weekly Must Reads: Texas Teen Tweets Herself Out of Work

Cornerstone Editors

This week’s must-reads on employee-employer relationships.

In a story that went viral this week, a Texas teen posted a profane tweet about her upcoming job at a pizza joint. But before she could start work the next day, her employer struck back and pre-emptively fired her, via Twitter, for the rude message.

See the exchange on USA Today.

To Keep Workers Happy, Show Some Love

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, a new survey from corporate wellness and engagement company Virgin Pulse reveals that having a healthy and supportive relationship with employees is the best way to feel loved. Three out of five survey respondents said that a healthy employee-employer relationship positively impacts work and productivity.

Learn what else keeps workers happy at Human Resources Online.

Employers Trade Tough Love for Feel-Good Feedback

To prevent negative feedback from breaking down employee confidence and decreasing productivity, managers at companies like VMware and the Boston Consulting Group are celebrating their teams’ small victories and emphasizing the positive.

Read more about the trend at the Wall Street Journal.

Making the Most of Performance Reviews

With many companies in the midst of performance review season, it’s important for managers and rank-and-file employees alike to learn the art of giving and receiving constructive feedback. But that's often easier said than done.

Learn how to deliver helpful feedback at the New York Times.

Ditch Performance Improvement Plans and Put On Your Coaching Hat

When you’ve got an underperforming employee on your hands, it’s easy to go down the official path of starting a "performance improvement plan." But these rarely have anything to do with actually improving performance.

Get a better strategy at TLNT.

Photo: Shutterstock



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Cornerstone Talent Experience Platform

当社のTalent Experience Platformは、総合的なエンドツーエンドの人財開発体験です。これは、従業員の成長を重視しAIの技術を生かした最先端で業界最高クラスのタレントツールであり、人財開発責任者にとっての理想のエンゲージメント、成長、変革の実現をお手伝いします。



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