온디맨드 웨비나

How to make performance reviews more effective

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year – end-of-year review season!

At Cornerstone, we’re reimagining the performance review process. We believe the review shouldn’t just be annual. Let us show you how Cornerstone Performance enables more frequent and targeted performance management in the context of an employee’s development, goal tracking, and skill building—all while taking the heavy lifting off managers.

Whether you’re just beginning your performance management process or run a well-oiled machine for thousands of employees, this on-demand webinar has something for everyone.

In this on-demand webinar, you will:

  • Learn how a continuous performance process is achieved with Cornerstone Performance
  • Discover how you can use skills throughout your performance processes
  • See a live demonstration

관련 리소스

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2023 인재 건전성 지수(Talent Health Index, THI)


2023 인재 건전성 지수(Talent Health Index, THI)

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© Cornerstone 2024
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