
6 Steps to creating a winning talent pool-based succession planning process

When you're implementing a succession planning program, you need to ensure you include all the right steps, so you have a best practice process.

Then, as part of your process, you'll need to conduct a talent bench review to determine your employees' performance level, ultimate potential and readiness for progression and build a 9-box grid.

A talent bench review helps you to take a closer look at "who's" on your bench, including who should be developed, who should be groomed for leadership or a key role and, in some cases, who should be moved to another role.

The 9-box grid, a natural extension to the talent bench review, is one of the most commonly used tools in succession planning and employee development. It plots employee performance against potential.

Both are useful tools for helping you determine the quality and depth of your talent pipeline.

You can learn more about talent bench reviews and 9-box grids in: Proven tools for identifying and developing your organization's talent pipeline.

To help you out, we've outlined the steps you need to take to create a winning talent pool-based succession planning process, and put together templates, and interpret the results.

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