
This Week on HR Labs: Cultivating the Learning Mindset

Cornerstone Editors

Cornerstone is proud to introduce HR Labs, a brand new podcast that tells the stories of leaders who have seen the importance of employee development firsthand. Hosted by our very own Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer Heidi Spirgi, HR Labs will be a four-part series featuring executives who have mastered the art and science of development, despite challenging odds. Find it on Apple Podcasts and everywhere else you listen to podcasts.

On this week’s episode of HR Labs, we’re telling speaking to our very own Jeff Miller, the associate vice president of learning and organizational development at Cornerstone.

A former school teacher and university professor, Miller is no stranger to the world of learning. But teaching in an academic setting is very different than teaching employees at work. Though we often lose that curiosity and excitement about learning most have as kids, adults can be inspired, too. The key is identifying and unlocking that motivation.

On this episode, Jeff shares his insights into what motivates employees to learn, how companies can foster an environment of learning and why learning can be a ray of optimism for workers who are worried about the future of their jobs in the age of automation.

Plus, listen in as he tells the origin story of one of Cornerstone’s most time-honored traditions: Development Day, a day that employees spend learning and teaching each other about everything from management skills to crafting.

Header image: Creative Commons

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