Ficha técnica

Develop the skills everyone needs to thrive at work

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Cornerstone Content Anytime: Fundamentals is the essential training collection for any organisation. It includes power skills training focused on developing professional skills — agility, working remotely, communication, and more. It also builds leadership and management best practices and provides binge-worthy microlearning courses on modern compliance. This mobile-friendly collection refreshes regularly, deploys easily, and won’t break your budget.

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Cornerstone Performance

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Cornerstone Performance

Whether you do performance reviews only once a year or have a robust, continual performance management process, with Cornerstone Performance, you can set goals, coach employees, receive feedback, guide development, and give recognition. Seamlessly link performance and skills data with internal learning opportunities to enable employee-driven, manager-supported growth. Because the best way to invest in business growth and achievement is by investing in the growth and achievements of your people with Cornerstone Performance.

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