
How to Reframe the Great Resignation: A Checklist

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused something like whiplash for the workforce. It turned the workplace upside down and people are considering different career opportunities in the hopes of finding greater flexibility, better pay, safer work environments or other benefits.

Employees are reprioritizing their lives and aligning careers with their aspirations and values. They want more driver’s seat control in their growth and skill development, instead of getting motion sickness from the passenger’s seat. How organizations respond is key. Whether you’re an HR professional, supervisor or frontline employee, this checklist, created by Cornerstone and GovLoop, can help to facilitate positive workforce changes.

Download the checklist for guidance on reframing your thinking around “the great resignation” and move to a mindset that focuses on “the great reprioritization.”

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Cornerstone Extended Enterprise


Cornerstone Extended Enterprise

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