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Strategies and Tools for Driving Learner Engagement

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Many organizations are prioritizing learning to attract, retain, and grow top talent, but implementing the strategies at the right time for the right learner can be tough. Doing it with tight resources, even tougher. Andersen Corporation has experienced this. They knew it wasn’t enough to follow the standard “if you build it, they will come” mentality for learning.

In this session, Strategies and Tools for Driving Learner Engagement, you’ll come away with:

  • New ideas from the Andersen team as they share how they’ve been able to achieve a consistent increase in the consumption of Cornerstone Content Anytime (CCA) courses month over month
  • Considerations to help you get started building your own effective communications strategy
  • Tips and tools for executing a sustainable plan that drives continuous engagement and builds a culture of passionate learners

In addition to hearing about Andersen’s content journey, you’ll also get a refresher from the Cornerstone team on the learner engagement tools we have available and ways that you can leverage your partnership with Cornerstone to get the most out of your learning content.

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Témoignage de client

Nitto Denko Corporation : créer un environnement de formation unifié à l'échelle mondiale et promouvoir l'apprentissage grâce à une expérience et à un interface utilisateur fluides

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