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This Week on HR Labs: It’s Time To Rethink How We Structure Organizations for Success

Cornerstone Editors

Cornerstone is proud to bring you Season 2 of HR Labs, a podcast about learning hosted by our very own Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer Heidi Spirgi. This season, we’re exploring the importance of learning and development as businesses shift their priorities from shareholders to stakeholders—particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find it on Apple Podcasts and everywhere else you listen to podcasts.

Companies are about to experience the kind of changes that demand a lot more than a few new employee trainings or a reshuffling of company priorities.

They’re going to require companies to move faster than ever before and innovate continuously. Companies will have to throw out the old structures and hierarchies that are holding their business—and more importantly, their people—back. At Cornerstone, we call this an unbound approach to business.

On this episode of HR Labs, we’ll hear from David Ulrich, a consultant at the RBL Group and a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. He recently published a book titled "Reinventing the Organization" with co-author Arthur Yeung about reinventing organizations in the midst of rapid change. In this episode, he discusses the findings of his and Yeung’s research and recommends some change management strategies based on practices from some of the most successful and innovative companies in the world today.

We’ll also hear from two companies who are currently facing this very challenge: Trying to stay nimble and innovative amidst the rapid change brought on by a global pandemic. Leah Ward, Chief of Staff at distributed spend management company Teampay, and Brooke Kerry, lead storyteller at credit card processing company Gravity Payments, discuss the importance of being employee-first and how empowering employees with autonomy has helped both their workforces and businesses succeed.

We hope you’ll tune into this week’s episode to hear their stories and draw insights on what it means to be an unbound organization.

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