
The Total Economic Impact™ Of Cornerstone Learning and Content

“Cornerstone enabled people to help themselves navigate through change.”

Learning has become a powerful tool to support critical business priorities such as: enabling innovation, facilitating continuous transformation, extending knowledge beyond the enterprise boundaries, optimizing employee experience (EX), and building the future workforce. The pandemic accelerated this journey, and few organizations are looking back.

Cornerstone commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the impact and return on investment (ROI) organizations may have experience by using Cornerstone Learning and Content. To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks, Forrester interviewed four decision-makers with experience using the learning subscriptions.

Interviewees shared many stories about the value they experienced by using Cornerstone Learning. Download the full Forrester TEI report to get the full analysis.

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Cornerstone Performance

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Cornerstone Performance

Whether you do performance reviews only once a year or have a robust, continual performance management process, with Cornerstone Performance, you can set goals, coach employees, receive feedback, guide development, and give recognition. Seamlessly link performance and skills data with internal learning opportunities to enable employee-driven, manager-supported growth. Because the best way to invest in business growth and achievement is by investing in the growth and achievements of your people with Cornerstone Performance.

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