
This Week on HR Labs: A Look At the Future of Learning and the Employee-First Business Mindset

Cornerstone Editors

Cornerstone is proud to bring you Season 2 of HR Labs, a podcast about learning hosted by our very own Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer Heidi Spirgi. This season, we’re exploring the importance of learning and development as businesses shift their priorities from shareholders to stakeholders—particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find it on Apple Podcasts and everywhere else you listen to podcasts.

So, what comes next?

That’s the central question for our season finale of HR Labs. And here’s what we’ve found: Putting stakeholders and employees first is only going to grow in importance. The current pandemic has underscored the urgency of this new business approach. It’s clear that organizations cannot rebound into old practices. They have to become unbound and continue aiming for agility and flexibility in their operations, objectives and workforce.

In this episode, we talk to Jerry Davis, a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, about this shift and how companies should respond. We’ll also explore some of the innovative ways companies are helping their employees keep up with the need for constant learning—like VR technology. We spoke with Kyle Jackson, CEO of virtual reality company Talespin, to get a look into how VR can drastically improve development, new skilling and overall employee growth.

Tune in to this week’s episode to hear more:

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Wie Stepstone mit Lernen die interne Kultur der Weiterentwicklung optimierte


Wie Stepstone mit Lernen die interne Kultur der Weiterentwicklung optimierte

The Stepstone Group ist in über 30 Ländern vertreten und gehört damit zu den weltweit führenden digitalen Recruitingplattformen. The Stepstone Group verbindet jährlich mehr als 130 Millionen Bewerbungen mit rund 140.000 Arbeitgebern. Mit ihren integrierten Plattformen vereinfacht The Stepstone Group die Jobsuche von Kandidat*innen und unterstützt mit KI-gestützten Lösungen den gesamten Recruitingprozess. Da liegt es nahe, dass The Stepstone Group auch intern einen gelungenen Arbeitsplatz schaffen möchte.

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