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Cornerstone Raises Over $55,000 for Movember

Kimberly Cassady

Chief Talent Officer, Cornerstone

Each year, the Movember movement at Cornerstone gets bigger and better – and this year was no exception. With more than 100 Cornerstone employees participating around the world, we’re excited to announce our band of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas raised over $55,000 for the Movember Foundation, with proceeds directly supporting the Prostate Cancer Foundation to advance treatment for both prostate and testicular cancer, as well as assist in the mental and physical support of those affected.

Nationally, the Cornerstone Mo team ranks tenth in most funds raised, and in the four years we’ve been participating, we’ve raised more than $110,000. It’s amazing what an individual—better yet, a team—can do to bring about change. From poker tournaments and bake sales to selling t-shirts, we’re thrilled to work with the Movember team to dream up ways we can have an even bigger impact on the state of men’s health. Here’s a quick snapshot of Movember at Cornerstone.

The Movember Bake Sale Hosted by Cornerstone's Baking Club

Cornerstone Mo Sistas

Cornerstone Mos at the Movember Gala in Los Angeles

Want to hear the story behind why Cornerstone got involved with Movember? Go to If you’d like to find out more about the Movember movement, visit

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