
Office Hours: Why the Future of Work Depends on Silo-less HR

Cornerstone Editors

This post is part of our biweekly "Office Hours" video series, featuring quick career, workplace and leadership tips from talent management experts and business leaders across the globe.

According to SHRM, 47 percent of HR leaders consider employee retention and turnover to be their greatest challenge. Following close behind are recruiting and corporate culture management.

But John Sumser, principal analyst at HR Examiner, suggests that there's a meta challenge within HR: that we think of retention, recruiting and culture as separate things.

In the video below, Sumser explains why they're virtually inseparable, and why the main task for HR departments over the next five to 10 years should be to unify a traditionally siloed department. HR departments of the past managed recruiting, onboarding, succession management, benefits and a whole host of other functions separately, and that has often resulted "in complete silliness," says Sumser.

HR leaders should recognize that these functions all boil down to employee communication. Doing so will make life easier for the employee, who can then count on one source of information rather than 20.

Photo: Creative Commons






貴社では、昨今の急激なビジネスの変化のスピードにどの程度対応できていますか? 従業員を対象にした調査によると、41%が自分のスキルを伸ばすために必要なものを持っていないと考えており、59%がさらに多くのキャリアガイダンスを求めているという結果が出ています。そこでこれまで以上に重要になるのが、HR担当者が最新のトレンドを把握し、それが従業員や組織にとって何を意味するのかを理解して活用することです。例えばAIはトレンドの1つですが、60%以上の組織では、人財開発プログラムの最適化にAIテクノロジーを活用していません。



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