
DHL Group Delivering Skills-First Careers Powered by AI

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DHL Group is the world’s leading logistics company. DHL is made up of a family of close-knit business divisions all working together to meet customers’ needs.

For DHL, it is important to focus on what excellence looks like in this digital world and how its people can adapt to that change. With the pace of change moving at incredible speed, and new skills becoming increasingly vital in today’s world of work, DHL turned to AI to help align skills with future challenges for the business.

A major part of DHL’s 2025 talent strategy is identifying the skills currently in the team today and uncovering potential skills that are relevant to tomorrow. One of the biggest challenges tied to this objective is how to bring in a skills ontology that can reflect the differences between desk-based roles and field roles, such as those handling and delivering parcels. This is where AI comes into play.

Why Cornerstone?

Why Cornerstone?

DHL turned to Cornerstone’s skills ontology offering – an AI-powered skills engine that identifies capabilities within the organization, which can then be matched to jobs within the company and pinpoint potential skills gaps. In choosing the right partner, DHL set out clear objectives to answer both the needs of its employees – fluid career paths – and the needs of the business – retaining its talent and futureproofing itself.

DHL is introducing Cornerstone’s technology to see what the next career move might be for an airside handler or supervisor in a warehouse, using AI to pinpoint the transferable skills. Once the skills are out on the table, the employee will then choose what they’d like to develop in order to move up or across into a new career path, opening up many possibilities and mapping out their future with the company.

Choosing this strategic skills-first approach to development means that employees at DHL are continually growing and learning, setting career paths that are not necessarily linear, and instead completely personalized to them.

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