
Unleash World 2023 – Meet the Cornerstone Team this October at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles

Oct. 17-18, 2023 | Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, France

Stop by the Cornerstone stand at Unleash World on the 17th and 18th October at Paris Porte de Versailles for an opportunity to talk to one of our Talent Technology Experts.

Vincent Belliveau, our Chief International Officer, will take the stage for a look at how AI is fundamentally transforming work and how businesses manage and develop their people.

One of our customers will discuss how continuous business and personal investments in talent can steer careers in new directions.

Cornerstone: Stand B720

Join us at our stand B720 across the two days, in front of the Main Stage. We can't wait to see you there!

Contact us today for a complimentary ticket to Unleash World 2023.

About Unleash World 2023

Now in its 11th year, Unleash World is a main event where forward-thinking exhibitors, those shaping the future of work, global HR leaders, visionary speakers, journalists, and analysts come together to network, do business and share ideas around the massive opportunities that HR tech offers. It's a tradeshow full of interactivity, connection and discovery, which has significantly scaled over the years. This year's exhibition will include 4 new audience pillars: Learning and Skills, Recruitment and Talent, HR Tech & transformation, Work Zen.

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Cornerstone Learning SBX Extended Enterprise

Fiche technique

Cornerstone Learning SBX Extended Enterprise

Pour de nombreuses entreprises, le suivi et la gestion des formations ne concernent pas seulement les RH et les collaborateurs. Il faut également former les clients, les partenaires, les équipes commerciales élargies, les franchises, les distributeurs, etc. Ces apprenants extérieurs attendent la même qualité de formation grand- public, fiable et utile, que celle dont vos équipes bénéficient. Ils veulent accéder à vos vidéos, à vos cours, à vos contenus courts ou approfondis quand et où ils en ont besoin.

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