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5 Steps to More Inspiring Performance Management

Chad Savoy

VP of Sales, Datadog

If you want to manage employee performance effectively, you need to inspire and engage your people. Easier said than done, right? Not if you take these 5 simple tips on board.

Give managers the right tools

Make reviews simple and meaningful by automating them. There's no paperwork, you spend less time on administration, and it's easier to get insightful performance information for employee development.

Encourage goal setting and team alignment

People are more motivated and productive if they have goals to work towards. Make sure you set strategic goals for your entire business, then break them down by department and team. If individual goals are aligned with your company's direction, then their successes contribute to yours.

Build a culture around employee growth

Empower employees to take control over their development by providing plenty of opportunity for growth. Your investment will pay off as productivity improves and your high-performance employees stick around for longer.

Measure progress and take action

Regularly analyze organizational competencies and risks. Uncover performance trends, skill gaps and areas for improvement, then use that data to inform your strategic decision making.

Link training with performance

Connect learning opportunities to the skills and competencies required in each employee's role. Encourage engagement by supporting both personal and professional development, and demonstrating the tangible results of training.

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Cornerstone Performance: Holistic talent development that drives business forward

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Cornerstone Performance: Holistic talent development that drives business forward

Whether you do performance reviews only once a year or have a robust, continual performance management process, with Cornerstone Performance, you can set goals, coach employees, receive feedback, guide development, and give recognition. Seamlessly link performance and skills data with internal learning opportunities to enable employee-driven, manager-supported growth. Because the best way to invest in business growth and achievement is by investing in the growth and achievements of your people with Cornerstone Performance.

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