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The Forrester Wave™: Learning Management Systems and Experience Platforms, Q4 2021

Cornerstone Is Named a Leader

With so many learning management and experience platforms available these days—all with varying levels of sophistication and functionality—it can be hard to decide which platform will work for everyone in your organization.

That’s why Forrester’s recent report, The Forrester Wave™: Learning Management Systems and Experience Platforms, Q4 2021, is designed to help learning professionals objectively understand how each learning platform provider measures up.

In this report, the respected analyst firm breaks down the learning management system (LMS) vendor landscape. Evaluating 10 top LMS vendors—including Cornerstone—Forrester delivers valuable insights to help learning professionals select the right one for their needs.

And we’re pleased to announce that Cornerstone was positioned in the Leaders category by Forrester for learning management systems and learning experience platform.

As the report states, “Cornerstone is a strong choice for organizations that seek a robust, integrated talent solution with a clear understanding of the needs of the learning leader as a buyer.”

In The Forrester Wave report, you’ll gain insights into:

  • Why evolving learning priorities are driving differentiated approaches and capabilities in the LMS market
  • How the top LMS platform providers compare to each other based on Forrester’s 28- criteria evaluation
  • Why Cornerstone was recognized as a leader—and how we believe it’s uniquely positioned to help organizations meet the future of work
  • Download the report now to learn more about Forrester’s vendor assessment, key considerations for buyers in this market, and how Cornerstone stacks up against other learning management systems.

Access the report now to learn more about Forrester’s vendor assessment, key considerations for buyers in this market, and how Cornerstone stacks up against other learning management systems.

 The Forrester Wave™: Learning Management Systems And Experience Platforms, Q4 2021, by Katy Tynan, November 2021

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Cornerstone Performance: Holistic talent development that drives business forward

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Cornerstone Performance: Holistic talent development that drives business forward

Whether you do performance reviews only once a year or have a robust, continual performance management process, with Cornerstone Performance, you can set goals, coach employees, receive feedback, guide development, and give recognition. Seamlessly link performance and skills data with internal learning opportunities to enable employee-driven, manager-supported growth. Because the best way to invest in business growth and achievement is by investing in the growth and achievements of your people with Cornerstone Performance.

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