
Amazing advances in learning content

There are currently some amazing advances being made in the area of learning content. Marc Ramos, Chief Learning Officer at Cornerstone, lists the most exciting trends when it comes to advances in learning content. Some of these are:

  • Curation of content. The ability to curate or identify the best content for an individual and a skill. For someone wanting to learn data science but is new to the area, the system will identify the right content for you to add to the knowledge base you already have.

  • Adaptive learning. What about if you want to reskill and already have some, but not all, of the skills needed in the new role? Adaptive learning means that instead of doing a full course, you can do some of it focused on those unique things you need to learn.

  • Learning in the flow of work. One of the most significant advances at the moment is the ability to offer learning in the flow of work without having to leave the solution you are working in.

This is clearly making learning more relevant, valuable and enjoyable for the learner. But take a moment to consider what this might mean for an organisation needing to reskill and upskill the workforce.

Learn more about the 4 top trending content topics in 2023, based on Cornerstone’s more than 100 million users, in these Content Café on-demand webinars:

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