
Craft the perfect talent experience program for employee growth and retention

A Brandon Hall Group eBook

Do you ever find yourself anxious that your top talent might be heading for the exits?

You’re not alone.

According to Brandon Hall Group, one of the top talent research and strategy organizations in the world, 92% of organizations share this fear.

The antidote to this anxiety is knowledge — particularly, knowledge of what makes people happy to grow within an organization rather than search for better options elsewhere.

With the right talent experience program and platform, you can reassure your people they have no reason to think the grass is always greener on the other side. When they have the technological tools they need to succeed — and plenty of opportunities for internal growth — there’s no reason for them to head off the homestead.

And — just as importantly — no need for you to be worried they will.

Download Transforming organizations begins with talent experience and see how talent experience programs and platforms can help you keep your best and brightest happily in the fold.

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2023 인재 건전성 지수(Talent Health Index, THI)


2023 인재 건전성 지수(Talent Health Index, THI)

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