Bristlecone이 자기주도 학습 문화를 만든 방법

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Bristlecone이 자기주도 학습 문화를 만든 방법

Bristlecone Group(Mahindra 그룹사)은 연계된 공급망을 위한 AI 기반 애플리케이션 변환 서비스를 제공하는 선두업체입니다. 25년간의 업력을 지닌 이 기업은 12개 이상의 글로벌 허브와 2,500명 이상의 컨설턴트를 통해 컨설팅 중심의 접근 방식을 취하고 있습니다.

직장 문화

The Equity Advantage: Why equity matters

블로그 게시물

The Equity Advantage: Why equity matters

In my last article, I unpacked Cornerstone's first DEIB Principle: DEIB is good for everyone, highlighting the story of Ed Roberts, a pioneer for disability inclusion. His work resulted in onramps on public sidewalks at all intersections, enabling the inclusion of those with mobility challenges in public spaces. Just as these onramps created equity and inclusion for people with wheelchairs, organizations must ensure that their talent processes, and the decision-makers who run those processes, create 'onramps' for marginalized people whose talent, aspiration and opportunity are too often 'curbed' by the systemic barriers inherent in our society and organizations.

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