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ICYMI: Futurists, Employee-First Design, and the Anticipated Product Roadmap at Convergence Day 2

Cornerstone Editors

Following an inspiring roster of speakers (and a dance party with Pitbull) yesterday at Convergence 2016, we continued the conversation today with more big ideas about the future, insightful client stories and best practices to thrive in the new world of work.

Check out the recap below to learn more about the ideas shared and discussed today, and join the conversation with #CSODConf16! For information about the availability of presentations after the conference, follow @CSODConvergence on Twitter.

Why We All Need to Be Futurists

Yes, futurist is a real job, and Lisa Bodell, CEO and founder of futurethink, wants you to learn how to think like one. As she shared during her keynote speech, organizations that learn to embrace change will not only survive, but also thrive for years to come. The future may be uncertain, but it's not entirely unpredictable—as Bodell shared, the smartest leaders are constantly thinking about what their organization could become in five, 10, or even 20 years from now.

Keep Your Employees Top of Mind

While HR leaders need to work with company executives to enact change, it's critical to remember why you're pushing for change in the first place: to empower your employees. Today's sessions highlighted the importance of thinking about the end-user first when it comes to talent management, and audience members chimed in with their favorite takeaways on designing effective learning and development programs for employees.

A Look at What's Ahead

The day closed out with one of the most popular parts of our annual conference: the Product Roadmap. Our CEO Adam Miller and Associate Vice President Summer Rogers presented a deep dive into new and upcoming Cornerstone features, and clients voted on their favorite product enhancements and capabilities.

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