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Infographic: 18 Essential Entrepreneur Mantras

Cornerstone Editors

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt dropped some knowledge about the tipping point to any creative endeavor, from launching a dream startup to penning that first word of the novel that has been illuminating your mind for years. To succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to start with what you have and who you are. If your pioneering spirit feels suffocated while you wait on the shore, then start swimming into the wild, bountiful sea of entrepreneurship. With dogged determination, you'll learn to craft a raft. In time, you'll build a formidable ship to steer towards freedom and success. It all takes momentum, propelled by that first step.

This infographic offers 18 essential entrepreneur mantras to arm you on your journey. From embracing failure as fuel to leading with compassion, there is advice for both fledgling dreamers to seasoned CEOs.

(Click on image for larger version!)

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