블로그 게시물

Leading the next generation of employees

Vincent Belliveau

Chief International Officer, Cornerstone

As labour markets strive to rebound from the impact of the pandemic, a historic talent shortage has emerged. Three out of every four companies globally have reported talent shortages and difficulty hiring – a 16-year high. Compounding this is “The Great Resignation”, driven by Gen Zs and millennials’ changing priorities, in many cases fuelled by the conditions of the lockdowns.

A key aspect here is a good work-life balance, with more than half (56%) of the youngest generation, globally, saying they would quit a job if it was preventing them from enjoying life. In this new climate, the question becomes, what can we do as leaders to retain and engage talent? Fundamentally, we must put people at the heart of our business. This will involve adopting a leadership style that resonates with this next generation of employees and staying in tune with the ever-evolving needs of our employees in order to drive success.

A wakeup call

A great deal of respect is due to the younger generations for their low tolerance of workplace unhappiness, toxic environments and poor management. It is clear that they are hugely ambitious and are seeking personal development and professional progression from us as employers. A survey from LinkedIn earlier this year found that, globally, 75% of Gen Zs would consider changing roles because of the relevance and quality of Learning & Development programmes. Additionally, more than half (54%) said they had left a job because of the training and development prospects not being what they expected.

These findings should be a wakeup call for leaders worldwide. Gen Zs and millennials are the future of the workforce, and a hugely valuable resource for organisations across the globe to tap into. As leaders, it is vital that we listen to the younger generations’ needs and strive to not just match but exceed their expectations.

How to hold onto Gen Z and millennial talent

There are two really crucial areas that we as global leaders should be focusing on to hold onto our Gen Z and millennial talent. First is the importance of workplace culture. According to a Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) survey, millennials report that the people they work with are integral to their experience. To accommodate this, leaders should establish a working environment that fosters a mutual respect and understanding of each employee. It is crucial that we make time to connect and build relationships with our workforce to create a sense of community and belonging.

Secondly, is personal and professional development. A recent Cornerstone report found a worrying 30 percentage point difference between employee and employer confidence in their organisation’s prioritisation of skills development. We need to reassess the personal and professional growth opportunities for our people with Learning & Development (L&D) and Training being a clear starting point. However, just compiling a set of materials for these younger workers to consume is not going to cut it. Their generation is used to bite-sized multimedia content, in large part due to the social media platforms they frequent. If we are to engage our younger workforces, we have to make sure we are offering highly varied learning materials.

Additionally, we should strive to develop a culture of self-directed learning. Personalisation should be a core part of the L&D strategy, harnessing technology like AI to select the most relevant content for each individual based on their personal skills and goals – something they clearly crave. As employees pursue their own development, our organisations will benefit in turn as the bank of skills grows, along with the potential for growth and innovation. This will all have a huge effect on internal mobility, a big driver of retention.

관련 리소스

더 많은 정보를 원하시나요? 제품, 고객 사례 및 최신 산업에 대한 인사이트에 대해 더 알아보십시오.

새로운 세계에 맞게 업무 재정립: 2024년 HR 전망


새로운 세계에 맞게 업무 재정립: 2024년 HR 전망

귀사는 엄청나게 빠른 속도로 변화하는 지금의 상황에 얼마나 잘 대처하고 있습니까? 직원들의 41%는 자신의 스킬을 개발하는 데 필요한 것을 제공받지 못하고 있다고 생각하며, 59%는 더 많은 커리어 지도를 원하고 있습니다. 따라서, HR 리더가 최신 트렌드를 파악하고 직원들과 조직에 필요한 것이 무엇인지 이해하는 것이 훨씬 중요해졌습니다. 아직도 60% 이상의 조직이 AI 기술을 활용하여 인재 프로그램을 최적화하지 못하고 있습니다.

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