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Know your ATS from your CRM: Keeping up with HR jargon
Digital transformation has been making headlines for some time now, and a previous study from IDC and Cornerstone showed that more than eight in 10 companies consider HR to play a very important role in ensuring those strategic projects are successful. Often, they also include the digitalisation of HR itself, or some of its components. This is why it’s important for HR professionals to keep up to date with the HR software lingo. What do we really mean when we talk about HRIS, Talent management, Learning management or Applicant Tracking? Are those terms out of date, and if so, why are they still commonly used? Join us in this series of four blogs to explore those top-level categories and see what is behind them.
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Tapping into tech to solve retail’s talent shortages
The Covid-19 pandemic and spiralling cost of living crisis have both served to unsettle the sector. With talent shortages permeating almost every industry, talent attraction and retention is key to survival – and retail is no different. So, how can the retail industry hold onto its people?
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Keeping up with HR jargon: HCM
HR plays a critical role in the success of digital transformation projects, which – as a result of COVID-19 – are being prioritised by companies in every sector. Part of that is the digitisation of some of the HR functions too. To help HR professionals stay up to date with the different software available to support them, we have created a series of blog posts to help you know your ATS from your HCM. In this, the second in our series of four posts, we’ll take a look at HCM Software – what it is, and what it can do to help HR teams.
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Keeping up with HR jargon: Talent Management Systems
HR software is now considered a strategic buy for companies who are transforming their (traditional paper-based) operations to digital, supporting their HR teams and enabling them to make better strategic decisions when it comes to managing people. As the tools change, so does the language, and new acronyms are creeping in. With the language of HR changing, we’ve created a series of blog posts to help explain the most common new forms of software, what they do and their benefits. This post explores the role of Talent Management System