Cornerstone People Research Lab

2023 Talent Health Index

Your holistic guide to talent success
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Discover where your talent strategy stands today

Your people need a comprehensive talent management program to achieve their full potential. And that means you need a way to gauge the effectiveness and maturity of your current talent strategy. The 2023 Talent Health Index defines the essential components of a healthy talent program and reveals how to overcome your most pressing talent challenges — by strengthening the vitality of your whole organisation.

The Talent Health Index will show you:

The Talent Health Index will show you:

  • The state of today’s talent landscape and how it has evolved over the past year

  • A new way to look at your talent program holistically using a new model with seven critical dimensions

  • How organisations worldwide ranked their talent programs against this new model

  • Global trends for each dimension, including where today's organisations are making the most and least investments

  • Research-backed methods to diagnose and improve the maturity of your own talent program

Read the report

The 2023 Talent Health Index can help you diagnose where your talent management program is most mature and where you can shape it up for an even fitter future.

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Understanding the new talent health maturity model

Understanding the new talent health maturity model

The Talent Health Index walks you through the four basic maturity levels of the talent health maturity model, each building on the previous one.

How organisations stack up today

How organisations stack up today

According to the 2023 Talent Health Index, most organisations ranked in the Administrative level, demonstrating a mastery of the basics and very early exploration of new innovation. In this level, talent programs are behind in automation and have yet to build a robust learning strategy leaving ample room for growth and improvement.

By remaining stable at this level, organisations are failing to provide their people with comprehensive growth opportunities to reach their full potential.

By remaining stable at this level, organisations are failing to provide their people with comprehensive growth opportunities to reach their full potential.

of employees don’t believe they have what they need to develop their skills

The secret to talent success

But there’s good news! This stagnant state is curable. Talent programs don’t have to remain unhealthy — it’s possible to take practical steps forward to improve talent program maturity. In fact, organisations deemed High-Performing Organisations (HPOs) consistently scored better in the Talent Health Index.

The Talent Health Index dives deeper into these global trends, revealing the signs of under-performing talent programs and steps you can take to progress your program to the next level.

How does your region compare?

How does your region compare?

Talent management insights and findings for your corner of the world.

  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Nordics and Benelux (in Swedish)
  • Nordics and Benelux (in Dutch)
  • India
  • Japan
  • Australia and New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • Hong Kong

Just need the basics?

Just need the basics?

Check out this article to get the biggest talent health takeaways from the report.

Read Blog

About the research

The Cornerstone People Research Lab and The Starr Conspiracy gathered answers via online survey from 700+ talent business leaders and 1,400+ employees across North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific in Spring 2023.

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2023 인재 건전성 지수: 인재 성공을 위한 종합적인 가이드

지난 3년간의 도전은 업무의 세계에서 분명한 장점과 영향력을 눈에 띄게 보여주었습니다. 하지만 직장 내 변화는 2020년에서야 시작된 것이 아닙니다.

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