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ICYMI: Breaking Down Big Data Applications in HR

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: In today's fast-paced news cycle, we know it's difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest in HR. To make sure you're updated, we're recapping our most-read stories every month in our "In Case You Missed It" series. Keep reading for July's top stories!

When Should HR Rely on Big Data?

Many HR professionals make all kinds of decisions without considering data—sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. But the flip side is also true: Sometimes you look at the numbers, make your decision accordingly and things go poorly. Sow do you know when it makes sense to use data and when to trust your gut? Find out here.

10 Innovative Leaders Who Will Up Your HR Game

There's no shortage of lists highlighting the best HR influencers to follow on social media. But while staying up to date on the latest thoughts and trends in HR is important, recent research shows that truly excelling at your job requires stepping outside of your social media comfort zone. That's why we put together a new Twitter list with smart, interesting people across multiple industries—follow them here.

How HR Can Shine a Light on Company Culture

When picturing HR departments, most people think of compliance—not creativity. But that's a sorely outdated notion, according to Denise Domian, SVP of HR at the Bon-Ton Stores. We chatted with Domian to find out why she sees HR as the illuminator of company culture. Learn how you can follow her lead here.

Why "Ghosting" in Recruiting Needs to Stop

After clicking submit on a job application, more than half of applicants sit and wait like abandoned lovers waiting for the phone to ring. Many companies seem to have adopted the foolish practice of "ghosting" when it comes to dealing with job applicants. To learn why the new phenomenon needs to stop—and how to put "ghosting" in recruiting to an end—read on.

Photo: Shutterstock

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