온디맨드 웨비나

So fördern Sie das Potential Ihrer Mitarbeitenden beim Aufbau einer kompetenz-orientierten Lernstrategie

Arbeitskräftemangel, demografischer Wandel und gestiegene Ansprüche von Mitarbeitern stellen Learningabteilungen vor große Herausforderungen. Interne Mobilität und Weiterbildung sind gute Hebel um Mitarbeiter längerfristig an das Unternehmen zu binden wodurch ihnen eine zentrale Rolle zukommt. Wie lassen sich jedoch gezielte Weiterbildungsprogramme und Mobilitätsinitiativen entwickeln? Wie können bestehende Skills und Skill Gaps sichtbar gemacht werden? Wie kann KI helfen? Dies diskutiere ich in meiner Präsentation.

관련 리소스

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Dorel Juvenile elevates employee experiences across Europe with its inaugural learning management system

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Dorel Juvenile elevates employee experiences across Europe with its inaugural learning management system

Dorel Juvenile is a leading provider in juvenile care to help empower parents and make their everyday lives easier, with a selection of products including car seats and strollers. With 1000 employees working in its offices, factories, and warehouses across Europe, Dorel Juvenile features a portfolio of 12 brands, including Maxi-Cosi and Tiny Love, and has a brand presence spanning over 100 countries. Providing safety and care are at the heart of Dorel Juvenile’s vision; the organisation is passionate about providing innovative and thoughtful solutions that meet the highest possible safety and test ratings and support families’ needs. With Dorel Juvenile being behind some of the world’s most used solutions today, its portfolio of brands – and their products – have won multiple awards across the world.

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