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This Week on HR Labs: Exploring New Capitalism in the Wake of Covid-19

Cornerstone Editors

Cornerstone is proud to bring you Season 2 of HR Labs, a podcast about learning hosted by our very own Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer Heidi Spirgi. This season, we’re exploring the importance of learning and development as businesses shift their priorities from shareholders to stakeholders—particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find it on Apple Podcasts and everywhere else you listen to podcasts.

Back in 2019, a group of nearly 200 CEOs made a promise: Moving forward, they would make business decisions in the best interests of their stakeholders—rather than their shareholders. And they’re far from alone. Many others have made similar statements about a move toward this stakeholder-first approach in a growing trend known as ’new capitalism.’

Then, the pandemic hit. Businesses faced—and are continuing to face—the impact of sweeping shutdowns and a crushing economic downturn. It’s the first pressure test of companies’ ability to prioritize stakeholders—to put people before profits.

In episode 1 of this season, we’ll look at the origins of this stakeholder-first approach, and how the pandemic has impacted it so far. Through a conversation with Kelly Monahan of Accenture Research, we’ll hear how companies are showing early signs of sticking to these initial promises, and her research-based advice for leading during times of crisis. We’ll also hear from Cornerstone’s Mike Bollinger about what role learning is playing in the new normal and why it's so important to focus on a forward looking view.

Enjoy this episode of HR Labs below.

관련 리소스

더 많은 정보를 원하시나요? 제품, 고객 사례 및 최신 산업에 대한 인사이트에 대해 더 알아보십시오.

Impacting  and enabling  lifelong  education,  one learner  at a time

고객 이야기

Impacting and enabling lifelong education, one learner at a time

Early on, the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation team recognized that nonprofits serving their communities around the world lacked access to training. Recognizing Cornerstone had the right technology and relevant eLearning resources, the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation utilized the Cornerstone Extended Enterprise learning platform to launch programs such as DisasterReady — the largest free and open online learning portal and library targeted to humanitarian aid and international development professionals.

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