História de cliente

See how a leading pharmaceutical giant embarked on L&D transformation journey

using AI powered personalised learning
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The client is a pioneer in the Pharmaceutical Industry with decades of experience in developing innovative products to solve challenging healthcare issues. Their research is directed towards the development of breakthrough treatments and making them available to a large number of people. Their value driven culture is based on innovation, quality, performance and integrity.

People and culture are two important pillars for building a successful organization in this fast changing and highly competitive pharmaceutical industry. Hence, talent experience along with lifelong learning & upskilling are among the critical strategic priorities.

Our client believes in comprehensive talent development programs to empower their employees and enable them to fulfil the mission of improving people’s lives. They are committed to developing exceptional talent who can take on new challenges and become future-ready.


Our client required a learning experience platform which could shift L&D focus from being compliance centric to enabling a self-driven continuous learning culture. They needed a platform which can provide deep learning experience while prioritizing key skills and also promoting coaching, mentoring and leadership development. Key priorities for the client included:

  • A comprehensive learning ecosystem to upskill the entire workforce community, which covers on-roll employees to growing numbers of distributed workforce including gig workers, contractors etc.
  • Creating a pull and increasing employee adoption, as there was limited engagement among the employees with their existing learning system, which eventually resulted in employees committing limited time for learning and upskilling themselves.
  • Providing better internal mobility, empowerment and better learning experience to their talent pool.
  • Anticipating the skills required in the future by the workforce and providing the avenues for reskilling and upskilling proactively.


The Learning Experience Platform (LXP) powered by EdCast which was delivered to the client, focused on addressing two key pain points:


Solution for creating a personalized learning experience:

  • Customizable landing page for each user depending on his/her areas of interest
  • AI/ML driven learning content recommendations suited to an individual learner’s needs
  • Alignment of skill and skill levels with the content to guide the learners on the sequence to be followed while completing the content.
  • Customised taxonomy and skills directory with contextualized learning recommendations for the employees.


Solving the user Adoption challenge:

  • SSO (Single Sign-On) integration for authentication, to enable easy access
  • Enabling on-the-go learning with a customized mobile application
  • Enabling learning in the flow of work with personalized content available across productivity platforms including Microsoft Teams, Google Chrome, MS Office etc.


The client has seen a significant improvement in learner engagement across the user segments that have been onboarded to the platform. The content has been co-created and curated with the support from the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), with keen interest in the skills of the future. EdCast’s LXP has been integrated with the existing learning platforms and systems of the client. Latest and relevant content has been made available to the learners to keep their skills updated and relevant as per the industry trends and needs. Some of the critical KPIs defining the success of the LXP deployment include:


user's onboarding planned with 10K already onboarded in first phase of solution deployment


active users for one of the subsidiaries of the client in the first month of regional deployment


content assets created in less than 3 months

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História de cliente

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