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3 Simple Ways a Leader Can Earn Trust
To be effective, a leader must be able to build trust. Trust is never a given and must be actively earned. Yet perhaps more importantly, a leader must also be able to regain trust when it is compromised.
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How to Find Leaders Hiding in Plain Sight
High-performing individuals naturally stand out, but it is not always easy to pinpoint what they specifically do that others don't. This detail means that assessing leadership can sometimes become an exercise in "I know it when I see it." It's important to learn to recognize specific actions that help identify the budding leader who may not quite stand out above the rest.
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Leaders Instill Hope: Harnessing the Power of Hope to Motivate and Inspire Employees
It's been said that "hope is not a strategy." Yet I'll suggest that the ability to instill hope is an essential ingredient to successfully implementing the most compelling, yet challenging strategy before you.