
2019 Nucleus Research talent management value matrix

As organization's look for new and better ways to engage their employees, foster cultures of continuous learning and development, and build agile workforces of the future - technology certainly plays a big role. But evaluating talent management technology providers can be challenging. Who will deliver the most value for your investment?

Cornerstone named a talent management technology "leader"

In the 2019 Value Matrix, Nucleus has assessed select talent management vendors based on their product usability and functionality as well as the value that customers realize from the capabilities of the product.

"Cornerstone OnDemand continues to be a “one stop shop” application for all facets of talent management."

Investments in machine learning and predictive analytics have contributed to Cornerstone's leadership position in the 2019 Value Matrix. The use of machine learning allows the Cornerstone clients to regularly analyze employee information and learning activity so that they can deliver relevant content aligned to personalized learning journeys based on platform recommendations.

You can that see Saba Software, who Cornerstone acquired in April of 2020, is also placed in the “Leader” quadrant, further solidifying our place as an industry leader and value-packed solution provider.

Download the report and see why Cornerstone was cited as the top leader for both usability and functionality in the 2019 Talent Management Technology Value Matrix!

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