Publicación de blog
Musings from Paris: A recap of Unleash World 2023
As the cool breeze of Autumn swept through Paris, European HR Leaders gathered, looking for insights and inspiration ahead of the upcoming financial year. #UnleashWorld was in full swing at the Porte de Versailles convention centre in Paris. The cloudy skies this year cast even darker moods following France’s unexpected exit from the Rugby World Cup. Inside, it was a different story. The convention centre buzzed with lights and flashing screens, coffees percolated and a thousand well-trained vendors practiced their lines before the big show.
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Fosway 9-Grid™: Cornerstone maintains strong offerings in the recruiting space
It’s been quite the rollercoaster year for hiring and talent acquisition teams across the globe. From handling furlough to scaling up or down different parts of the business to meet fast-changing demands, recruiting priorities have certainly seen a lot of change in many organisations, including our clients.
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Fosway 9-Grid™ : Cornerstone maintient des offres solides sur le marché du recrutement
Les équipes de recrutement et d'acquisition de talents ont connu une année en dents de scie. Gérer les congés, augmenter ou réduire les effectifs pour répondre à des demandes en constante évolution, les priorités de recrutement ont évolué ces derniers mois, y compris chez nos clients.