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Are You Hiring the Very Best?

Chad Savoy

VP of Sales, Datadog

It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture when you’re hiring a lot of new people. Often you have to fill positions quickly, and you need to find the absolute best fit for the role - and your company. You’ll want to keep these things in mind when bringing new people into your organization:

You need to know who you’re looking for before you start looking for them. Make sure you’ve created a detailed job description with goals and competencies so you can evaluate everyone objectively and pick the right people.

Focus on hiring people who are a good fit with your company’s unique culture, and who’ll gel with the rest of your team. Are you all about collaboration, creating magical experiences or surprising your customers? Genuinely understanding, continuously reinforcing and clearly communicating your culture will help you attract the right candidates.

It costs a lot to hire people, so don’t rush it. You might need someone RIGHT NOW, but consistently hiring people who don’t fit will only result in disengagement and increased turnover. Then you’ll just have to hire more people, for more money.

At some stage you’ll probably encounter someone who looks perfect on paper, but who just doesn’t give off a good vibe in person. Sure, ticking the skills and experience boxes is important, but a positive attitude and a willingness to learn (and cultural fit!) are critical. After all, skills can be taught.

If you hire people who are smarter than you are, and they hire people smarter than they are, pretty soon you’ve got one smart looking business. To drive your company forward, hire people who play to their strengths, who are skilled at getting the best from others, who consistently deliver above expectations and who challenge the status quo. Nobody ever got ahead by standing still!

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