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ICYMI: Why Job Hopping is the New Career Ladder

Cornerstone Editors

Editor's Note: This is the second installment of our new "In Case You Missed It" series, where we recap the month's most-read posts to keep you updated on the latest HR trends in today's fast-paced news cycle.

The qualities and skills HR professionals look for in candidates are evolving, as are the qualities candidates look for in employers. Our most popular posts from March cover trends in recruiting and professional development—from new digital resources like online classes and video interviews, to new career path standards like job hopping and smarter management training.

Check out the below posts to learn more about attracting and retaining top talent in this new world of work:

5 Ways to Evaluate MOOCs on a Resume

With tuition costs rising and more than a trillion dollars of student debt in America, alternate routes to achieving a top-tier education—like Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)—are increasingly attractive. For HR managers learning to evaluate these alternative credits, here are 5 things to consider when a MOOC shows up on a resume.

Why Video is the Next Big Thing in Recruiting

The rules of recruitment are changing, leaving hiring managers to meet candidates on their terms. Increasingly, job seekers want to be seen and heard on mobile, social or video rather than as faceless facts listed on resumes. We spoke with Kevin Marasco, CMO of video platform HireVue, about video's potential effect on recruiting—on both sides of the hiring process.

Why Job Hopping is the New Career Ladder [INFOGRAPHIC]

A collection of short-lived jobs used to be considered career suicide, but as the work landscape evolves and technological innovation defines new roles, the need to climb the proverbial career ladder is becoming increasingly outdated. In an economy where it's difficult to predict the jobs offered five, 10 or 20 years from now, a weighty resume relies more on a person's variety of skills than tenure. Our latest infographic highlights ten core skills employees need in order to stay competitive in the job market.

Star Employees Aren't Always Management Material—And That's Okay

"Manager" is a responsibility—not just a fancy title—that requires a special set of skills and immense effort. And it's not for everybody: It should be okay for ambitious high performers to decline the management career path. Check out these three tips for avoiding mediocre management syndrome in your company.

Photo: Shutterstock

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