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Ottimizzare l'esperienza del dipendente
Nel 2022, il team Thought Leadership & Advisory Services (TLAS) di Cornerstone ha incontrato oltre 200 clienti in rappresentanza di 155 organizzazioni nel corso di una serie di workshop sulle competenze. Durante queste sessioni, abbiamo raccolto informazioni approfondite sulle modalità utilizzate per sviluppare e fare evolvere l'approccio alle competenze, in quanto parte della strategia globale di gestione dei talenti delle aziende. Abbiamo pubblicato i risultati emersi in un white paper: Your journey to career pathways and empowered employees .
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Optimera din medarbetarupplevelse
År 2022 mötte Cornerstones Thought Leadership och Advisory Services team (TLAS) fler än 200 kunder från 155 enskilda organisationer under en rad kompetens-workshops. Under dessa möten samlade vi in insikter om hur kunder utvecklar och mognar sin inställning till kompetenser i relation till deras övergripande talanghanteringsstrategi. Vi publicerade en vitbok om våra upptäckter — Er utveckling mot karriärvägar och stärkta medarbetare.
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Building your talent management story and business case
When creating our new talent experience platform, we aimed to align the fundamental concepts of Cornerstone TXP with our overall vision and belief statements:
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Optimise your employee experience
In 2022, the Cornerstone Thought Leadership and Advisory Services team (TLAS) met with over 200 customers from 155 unique organisations during a series of skills workshops. During these sessions, we collected insights into how customers are developing and maturing their approach to skills as it relates to their overall talent management strategy. We published a white paper on our findings — Your journey to career pathways and empowered employees.
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It’s time to level the playing field
In Josh Bersin’s 2020 DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) study, he observes, “You can’t drive the bias out of the person; you have to drive it out of the process.” While DEIB professionals have long been making strides to implement education and awareness and remove systemic barriers to level the playing field for all workers to have an equal chance to succeed, learning and development in most organizations is still reserved for salaried employees or high potentials. If learning is offered to hourly employees, it's commonly a check-the-box compliance exercise and is not intended to provide skill development and growth.
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Optimice la experiencia de sus empleados
En 2022, el equipo Thought Leadership and Advisory Services de Cornerstone (TLAS) se reunió con más de 200 clientes de 155 organizaciones individuales durante una serie de talleres de habilidades. Durante estas sesiones, recopilamos información sobre cómo los clientes desarrollan y maduran su enfoque de las habilidades en relación con su estrategia general de gestión del talento. Publicamos un informe técnico sobre nuestros hallazgos: Su viaje hacia las trayectorias profesionales y los empleados empoderados .
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Why internal gigs are critical to your strategy and success
The book The Inside Gig, written by Edie Goldberg, PhD., states, “It is our fundamental belief that employees have far more capability than their workplace acknowledges and uses.” Organizations have a vast number of skills and potential skills that go untapped because of outdated talent processes and the notion that just because an employee is doing a particular job means they are only skilled for the tasks associated with that job.
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The Future of Work in the Public Sector
Digital government can potentially bring about massive and positive changes to its citizens. Digitization of processes will create a quicker and more satisfying citizen experience while reducing costs.
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Bied uw medewerkers de optimale ervaring
In 2022 sprak het Thought Leadership and Advisory Services-team (TLAS) van Cornerstone meer dan 200 klanten van 155 verschillende organisaties tijdens een aantal workshops over vaardigheden. In die sessies verzamelden we inzichten in de manier waarop klanten hun aanpak op het gebied van vaardigheden ontwikkelen en verder uitwerken als onderdeel van hun algemene talentmanagementstrategie. We publiceerden de resultaten in een whitepaper — Your journey to career pathways and empowered employees.
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Optimieren Sie die Mitarbeitererfahrung
2022 traf sich das Cornerstone Thought Leadership and Advisory Services Team (TLAS) im Rahmen einer Reihe von Skills-Workshops mit über 200 Kunden aus 155 unterschiedlichen Unternehmen. In diesen Sessions sammelten wir Einblicke darin, wie die Kunden ihre Herangehensweise beim Thema Kompetenzen im Kontext ihrer allgemeinen Talentmanagement-Strategie weiterentwickeln und ausbauen. Wir haben ein Whitepaper über unsere Erkenntnisse veröffentlicht – Your journey to career pathways and empowered employees.
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Optimisez l’expérience de vos collaborateurs
En 2022, l’équipe Thought Leadership and Advisory Services (TLAS) de Cornerstone a rencontré plus de 200 clients de 155 organisations différentes lors d’une série d’ateliers sur les compétences. Au cours de ces sessions, nous avons recueilli des informations sur la manière dont les clients font évoluer leur rapport aux compétences dans le cadre de leur stratégie globale de gestion des talents. Nous avons publié un article sur nos conclusions, intitulé Your journey to career pathways and empowered employees.