
Cornerstone Skills Graph Technical Datasheet

Cornerstone Skills Graph es la mejor forma de hacer de las habilidades el centro de su estrategia de talento. Independientemente del producto Cornerstone que tenga, puede usar su ontología inteligente que reúne más de 53.000 habilidades asociadas a millones de funciones para mejorar su fuerza laboral. Es un elemento central incluido en todos los perfiles del empleado.

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Fostering internal talent mobility


Fostering internal talent mobility

In today's constantly changing world of talent management, organisations need to be agile and equip their workforce with the adaptability to meet evolving challenges. In a recent episode of the HR Grapevine Podcast, Luke Hicks, the Regional Sales Director at Cornerstone, sat down with the podcast host, Kieran Howells, in a captivating conversation about the importance of internal talent mobility and its profound impact on the future of businesses.

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